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Ref.number: TIN010
Price VAT incl.: €225,00


A tintype, also known as a melainotype or ferrotype, is a photograph made by creating a direct positive on a thin sheet of metal coated with a dark lacquer or enamel and used as the support for the photographic emulsion. Tintypes enjoyed their widest use during the 1860s and 1870s, but lesser use of the medium persisted into the early 20th. Presented here is a photograph of a man in civilian clothes. It has a spot in the middle of the picture. A light red velvet pad with embossed crest on the inner verso side of the case protects the glass-covered photograph. The picture is framed with embossed, highly ornate, decorative gold foil with an oval viewing window that is decorated with a canon, a drum and 2 banners. It also has the inscription; "The Union now and forever". These frames were usually used for the military (a soldier in plain clothes?). The embossed leather union case with single latch closure is in excellent condition .The exterior of the case has a floral design embossed on both sides of the the leather, along with about 65% of the original gilt trim. There is a reversed text at the bottom of the picture; "Melaino Type Plate for Neff's Pat. 19 Feb. 56". Special!


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